Consulting für Organisations-, Kultur- und Teamentwicklung
Vom Wollen zum Tun
Stehen Sie als Führungskraft oder Unternehmer/in vor Organisationsveränderungen oder der Implementierung Ihrer Strategie? Gibt es Bedarf an Kultur-/Verhaltensänderung in Ihrer Organisation? Braucht es Orientierung, Abstimmung oder Klärung innerhalb Ihres Teams?

These are the general terms and conditions. This template contains sample texts, is not complete and cannot be published. The terms and conditions serve to protect website owners. They can set their own terms and conditions and meet their information requirements. In the case of an online shop, this information obligation can be e.g. B. details about goods, prices as well as the conditions of the conclusion of the contract, the termination and the revocation. The terms and conditions must contain headings and be formulated appropriately for your own company. To make sure that your terms and conditions comply with legal regulations, have them checked by an experienced lawyer.